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Вестник по педагогике и психологии Южной Сибири

Электронный научный журнал с порталом международных научно-практических конференций: «PEM: Psychology. Educology. Medicine» • ISSN 2303-9744 • scientific e-journal • Основан 22 января 2012



Психологические науки
Addiction as a subject of study in modern psycho-pedagogical theories
Maksimov E. A. 1

1. Higher school of Economics


For the first time the user´s relationship with Internet media information talked about in the early 1990s. In 1993, it appears the first public web browser with a graphical interface that is allowing to interact with the information contained in the Internet a wide range of users. This moment can be considered the birth of the Internet in the usual sense. After a small amount of time in the United States appear first work of psychologists on human interaction with the Internet. The fact is that with the emergence of the Internet almost immediately began to appear users who applied to psychiatrists complaining that spend too much time online. At the same time changed their way of life, they devoted less time to communicate with loved ones suffering in their personal lives, they are inferior to fulfill their professional duties, etc.

Keywords: addiction, the study of the structure, psychology, theory

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